Are you facing theft charges?
Theft is generally referred to as larceny in the legal context. It covers many crimes and is complicated. Therefore, an attorney who is well-versed in the workings of the laws surrounding larceny is helpful because we will highlight where the prosecutors cannot prove that you are guilty of a theft crime.
There are many different types of theft crimes that you can be charged with and all of them involve some degree of taking from a person or business without consent. Our CITY theft attorneys offer quality representation in any theft-related matter:

We handle all types of theft charges. Theft and it is a type of crime that involves the unlawful taking or using of property that belongs to another person or entity. In California, there are many different types of theft charges that can range from misdemeanor petty theft to grand theft. The penalties will depend on what was stolen or the value of what was stolen. We have provided the resources below to explain to you the different charges, penalties, and defenses of common theft laws in California. We represent clients facing all gun crimes, including:
California Penal Code 495.5 PC –Shoplifting – The entering of an open business with the intent to steal merchandise that is worth $950 or less.
California Penal Code 484 PC –Petty Theft – The unlawful taking of another person’s property when the value of the property is $950 or less.
California Penal Code 487 PC –Grand Theft – The unlawful taking of another person’s property with a value of over $950, or the unlawful taking of certain property such as, a car, employee labor, farm products or crops.
California Penal Code Section 459 PC Burglary – The entering of any structure, room, or locked vehicle with the intent to commit theft or a felony offense (i.e. rape) once inside.
California Penal Code Section 211 PC –Robbery Laws – Theft accomplished by violence, intimidation, or threats are used to obtain property that belongs to another person or entity.
California Penal Code 487 (d)(1) PC –Grand theft auto -This statute is defined as the intention taking of another person’s motor vehicle.
California Penal Code 215 PC –Carjacking – Carjacking is defined as the taking of another person’s car by the means of force or fear.
You Need Experienced and Effective Representation
Although you are presumed innocent, the government thinks you are guilty. Our experienced attorneys will guide you through the legal process every step of that way, so that you are able to make an informed decision. We will not only fight for the best possible outcome, but we will fight for your future.
Theft Offenses under articles
- Health & Safety Code § 120291 – Intentional Transmission of HIV or AIDS
- Penal Code § 398 – Owner's Responsibilities After a Dog Bite
- Penal Code § 399.5 – Owning Dogs Trained to Attack
- Penal Code § 460– Degrees of Burglary
- Penal Code § 487(d)(1) – Grand Theft Auto
- Penal Code § 499b – Joyriding a Bike or Vessel
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“Daniel Vaswani, lead attorney at Virtuoso Criminal and DUI Lawyers, explains the complicated process of a DUI arrest and the importance of hiring the right lawyer.”
“Attorney Joe McPeak from Virtuoso Criminal and DUI Lawyers discusses important defense strategies for domestic violence cases.”
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