Speak to a fraud lawyer before an investigator
Crimes involving fraud and financial crimes, often referred to as “white collar” crimes, are a form of theft/larceny that usually involves a lie, deception, or dishonesty in an attempt to gain a benefit. Fraud crimes differ from common theft or robbery, because it does not involve the direct “taking” of the property that sometimes involves violence. Instead, it involves some type of scheme or abuse of power in order to gain benefits. The other person might “consent” to give up property, however, consent by fraud is not valid consent. You can be found guilty of fraud even if the scheme did not succeed.

We have provided the resources listed below to explain to you the more common forms of fraud and financial crimes that include embezzlement, money laundering, and tax evasion.
We represent clients facing all fraud charges, including:
- Penal Code 470 PC- Forgery: Falsification of a signature or unlawful alteration to certain documents.
- Penal Code 503 PC- Embezzlement: Unlawfully gaining benefit from property that has been entrusted to you.
- Penal Code 518 PC-Extortion: “Black mail” that involves the use of force or threats, such as a secret, to obtain money or property.
- Penal Code 186.10 PC-Money Laundering: Concealing the illegal origin of money by channeling the funds through a legitimate business or bank account.
- Penal Code 530.5 PC- Identity Theft: Taking someone else’s personal identifying information (i.e. credit card).
- Penal Code 550 PC- Fraudulent Insurance Claims: Knowingly submitting fraudulent insurance claims, such as medical or car insurance claims.
- Antitrust Violations — Cartwright Act
- California Revenue and Taxation Code 19706: Tax Evasion: A person or business underpaying taxes that are owed.
- California Welfare & Institution Code 10980- Welfare Fraud: Obtaining benefits, food stamps, etc. that you are not legitimately entitled to, or when an employee grants these benefits to an ineligible recipient.
- California Welfare and Institutions Code 14014: Medi-Cal fraud: Fraud committed against California’s Medical Program.
- OSHA Violations
- Environmental Crimes
Our team has the knowledge and experience to protect your rights.
Being charged with fraud or a financial crime can present serious, life-altering, consequences. If you are being investigated, you need a criminal defense attorney who will protect your interest at all costs, especially before you make any statements to an investigator.

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“Daniel Vaswani, lead attorney at Virtuoso Criminal and DUI Lawyers, explains the complicated process of a DUI arrest and the importance of hiring the right lawyer.”
“Attorney Joe McPeak from Virtuoso Criminal and DUI Lawyers discusses important defense strategies for domestic violence cases.”
“Discover how speaking with an attorney just days before your court date can dramatically impact your chances of release.“
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